For the 3D model final me and my flight partner conducted a flight over the Morris School located on Cumberland Ave. in West Lafayette, IN.

Figure 1: Locator map of Morris School.
We flew two different types of mission a double grid with the sensor facing the center, Figure 2, and a double grid of the course aligned, Figure 3.

Figure 2: Pix4D double grid facing center flight mission.

Figure 3: Pix4D double grid course aligned flight mission.
The settings for each flight were the same and are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5.

Figure 4: Flight settings page 1.

Figure 5: Flight setting page 2.

Figure 6: Metadata from the facing center double grid mission.

Figure 7: Metadata from the course aligned double grid mission.
We chose these parameters because we wanted to be close enough to the school in order to capture the needed details but high enough so that it would be at a safe altitude that would not hit the building and be able to capture all of it. We selected to fly with a sensor angle of 70 degrees so it could see the side of the school. If it was at nadir the sides of the building would not have processed clearly. We did two different flights because we wanted a wide set of data. The more data means the longer to take to process but may be worth getting the extra detail. We had over 300 datasets to work with and our processing took over 10 hours.

Figure 8: Morris school 3D model map.
The underside of the roof was not great because we collected our data from a higher altitude and the underside was not visible for the data collection. Our quality report from the mission gave us good feedback and told us that our data was good.

Figure 9: Quality report of the Pix4D processing.