Lab Summary:
Begin to work with software that is used to process data gathered during UAS mapping missions into formats that can be used in GIS and other forms of Remote Sensing software. package, and then making a map (or maps) with the generated data in ArcPro. Pix4D is currently the most popular Structure From Motion Multi-View-Stereo software (for constructing point clouds), and very easy to use.
Learn the protocols of being able to access, an log into Pix4D either via a remote connection or within the lab.
Learn the abilities of Pix4D through online documentation
Understand the basic concepts and data outputs of Pix4D so you are better able to start processing and working with the data in upcoming labs.
Processed Data:
Figure 1. Ray cloud view with camera on.
Figure 2. Cameras off, oblique angle.
Figure 3. Side view, melting visible underneath the model.
Figure 3. Top down view of model.